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Jackson Land Corporation was founded by Skip Jackson in 1985, as a privately held corporation. We look to purchase value added opportunities in raw or partially entitled residential land, lender real estate owned (REO) assets and income properties. We also invest in short term loans secured by real estate equity and other ventures. In addition, on occasion, we are asked to provide loan workout and litigation support services to lenders, and provide disaster inspections for insurance companies, as well as to help with pro bono services for those in need.

Skip came to California in 1972 after losing both his parents, and found a paper route to continue in a line of work he started in Chicago at the age of 9. He also started a lawn maintenance business and cleaned fixer houses. In 1976 he graduated from high school after only three years with an A average and was selected by the Orange County Register as it's top paperboy, and was sent on a two week trip to Europe with over 100 other newscarriers from around the nation sponsored by Parade magazine. He was also voted one of Orange County's entrepreneurs of the year, sharing the stage with several other people including Carl Karcher, founder of Carl's Junior restaurants, and Marion Knott from Knott's Berry Farm. At age 16 he was living on his own and started working full-time for a Civil Engineering firm serving Real Estate Developers. He would work seven years for this firm starting in the file room and moving up to a project engineer. While working he also attended the University of Southern California and paid his own way. He graduated in 1982 with a degree in Civil Engineering and Construction Management. He would work two more years for a Real Estate Developer client before starting his own firm in 1985. He also obtained his professional Engineering, Contractor and Brokerage licenses. Working out of his home for the first year buying REO properties from banks, he expanded into Real Estate Development. By 1990 he was building over a hundred homes and concentrated the efforts of Jackson Land Corporation on purchasing value added opportunities in raw or partially entitled residential land, lender REO assets and income properties, a focus that continues to this day (see Land Acquisition). He later diversified into investing in short term loans using his own capital secured by equity in real estate and other ventures (see Investments). On occasion Skip is asked to provide his expertise to lenders and insurance companies. In 1994 he was asked to perform inspections on earthquake damaged properties on behalf of major insurance companies. He was later asked by a lender to help identify issues related to a foreclosed tract subdivision. Out of this work grew a specialized service which caters to the insurance and lending industry dealing with impaired property. He is always ready to offer his assistance voluntarily and without payment as a public service to those in need (see Services).
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